Well… What are you waiting for, exactly?

Many of us are waiting to make a change - waiting for the perfect time, the perfect idea, the perfect opportunity... but is that logical, or just cultural? Johnny challenges this all-too-common “Eureka Moment” mentality with witty real-life analogies in his 2020 TEDx Talk that has since amassed more than 1 million views.

Your work can change the world.

In an ideal world, we’d always get to see the fruits of our labor. But without positive reinforcement, it can be easy to lose sight of our “why” while we wrestle with impostor syndrome and self-doubt. In this clip from Johnny’s heartfelt keynote at the The Children’s Foundation’s 2022 Annual Conference, we’re reminded that we may never know the true extent of the impact we make on the world around us — and why the power of that unknown is so empowering.

Why bother to care about healthcare?

Long wait times. Understaffed providers. High turnover. The inefficiency of the American healthcare system allows for millions to fall between the cracks. Listen to a clip from Johnny’s deeply moving keynote at the 2022 ICMA Annual Conference about how the weaknesses in the continuum of care lead to the neglect of everyday people like you.